Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Gift J and Clue K

Merry Christmas Eve!

Today we received Gift J and Clue K. Things at the post office are going quite slow, someone told me yesterday that they were getting 8 palletes of packages just last night. So they have a lot of work to do. And we will probably have a package or 2 mixed in somewhere in those 8 pallets.

Gift J: We guessed bottles and were correct. We received several bottles, nipples, 2 wall hangings, and some hats and booties (too cute), and some headbands.

Clue K: Keeping messes off the floor and diaper rash will be no more.

- Our guess for this is, diaper rash cream. And possibly something to clean up the floor or storage or something to keep the floor from getting the messes on it.

Be back soon.


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